About Us
Our programs have developed as a result of parent, student and teacher effort to increase educational options for parents and their children (parent choice) by providing a combination of parent involved independent study and learning center based instruction with a credentialed teacher overseeing the individual educational plan.
Our programs are based on a well-developed educational philosophy that provides for individually designed curricula, which include: home-based independent study, learning center programs and classes, apprenticeships, community-based educational programs, distance learning utilizing current technology, and supplemental projects.
The Core Beliefs
- Students come first
- Each student has the right to a personalized education
- A continuous cycle of improvement is essential for the success of our students
- The success of each student is the shared responsibility of all educational partners
The Vision
Northern United Charter Schools – Wherein every student is future-ready:
- Ready for personal success
- Ready for college
- Ready for the global workplace
The Mission
Northern United Charter Schools, in partnership with parents and community, will engage all students in a comprehensive education, preparing them to be confident, competent and proactive citizens in a diverse society.
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)
A Northern United Charter Schools graduate:
- Reads and writes effectively
- Sufficiently understands and functions in the world
- Appreciates the history of mankind in all its diversity, and understands the political process
- Applies math principles and operations to solve problems
- Applies scientific concepts and skills to explain the world and find solutions to its problems
- Realizes personal special interests, talents and abilities

What is a Charter School?
Charter schools are independent public schools with rigorous curriculum programs and unique educational approaches. In exchange for operational freedom and flexibility, charter schools are subject to higher levels of accountability than traditional public schools. Charter schools, which are tuition-free and open to all students, offer quality and choice in the public education system.
The “charter” establishing each such school is a contract detailing the school’s mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. In California, charters are granted for five years. At the end of the term, the entity granting the charter (“authorizer”) may renew the school’s contract. Charter schools are accountable to their authorizer, and to the students and families they serve, to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract.
Like traditional public schools, charters receive state funding based on a formula for each child enrolled in the school. Many charters also do additional fundraising to obtain grants and donations to pay for programs that are not fully funded by state or school district formulas.
When lawmakers passed the Charter Schools Act of 1992, California became the second state in the country (after Minnesota) to enact charter school legislation. The intent was to allow groups of educators, community members, parents, or others to create an alternative type of public school.

Voice for Choice
Supporting Personalized Learning Public Charter Schools. A Voice for Choice is a California-based movement that stands united for parent and student choice in public education. We stand united with parents and students for high quality, accountable choices in public education, particularly for the Personalized Learning public charter school option for students for whom a rigid, classroom-only model is not a match for success.
For more information: Voice for Choice