Board Members
Rosemary Kunkler – President
Jere Cox
Brian Payton – Vice President
Jessica Ramirez
Board Meetings
Regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month at 4:00pm, unless otherwise noted. If there is a closed session, it will typically be after the regular meeting. June meetings may need to be held later in the month in order to accommodate the Local Control Accountability Plan and Budget Adoption processes.
Board Handbook
2025 School Board Regular Meeting Calendar
January – 10 at 1:30
February – 12
March – 13 (Second Thursday to accommodate in-person meeting in Siskiyou)
April – 16 (Third Wednesday due to Spring Break)
May – 14
June – 25
June – 26
July – No scheduled meeting
August – 13
September – 10
October – 9 (Second Thursday to accommodate in-person meeting in Humboldt)
November – 12
December – 10 (Annual organizational meeting)
NUCS Board Open Position in Siskiyou County
Northern United Charter Schools, a non-profit organization managing two public charter schools in Northern California, invites experienced and passionate individuals to apply for a vacancy on its five-member Board of Directors. Applicants should have a background in areas such as education, government, law, business, finance/accounting, fundraising, facilities, or public relations. Note that those compensated by the non-profit in the past 12 months, including employees and contractors, are ineligible. The Board convenes monthly, with meetings in Humboldt County and teleconferencing to Siskiyou County. Directors serve a three-year term. For additional information, please reach out at or (707) 445-2660 x110.
Who we are
The Northern United Charter Schools Board of Directors consists of five members, three from Humboldt County and two from Siskiyou County. The purpose of the Corporation is to manage, operate, guide, direct and promote one or more California public schools. Also in the context of these purposes, the Corporation shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any other activities or exercise of power that do not further the purposes of the Corporation.
All meetings of the Board of Directors and its committees shall be called, noticed, and held in compliance with the provisions of the Brown Act. The Board of Directors shall meet annually for the purpose of organization, appointment of officers, and the transaction of such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. This meeting shall be held at a time, date, and place as noticed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Brown Act.
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors, including annual meetings, shall be held at such times and places as may from time to time be fixed by the Board of Directors. At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the Board of Directors, or its designee shall post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting.
Northern United Charter Schools has adopted a Conflict of Interest Code that complies with the Political Reform Act and Corporations Code conflict of interest rules, and which shall be updated with any charter school-specific conflict of interest laws or regulations.