2024-25 Early Application Window:
January 8th through March 8th, 2024
2024-25 Lottery Date:
Monday, March 11th at 4:00 p.m.
Click this link to download an application form:
2025-26 School Calendar – coming soon
Lottery Locations:
Lottery locations will be at each learning center as needed.
Admissions Process
Northern United – Siskiyou Charter School is nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, and all other operations, and does not charge tuition or discriminate against any student based upon any of the characteristics listed in Education Code Section 220.
NU-Siskiyou Charter School admits all pupils who wish to attend the school. No test or assessment will be administered to students prior to acceptance and enrollment into NU-Siskiyou. The school will comply with all laws establishing minimum and maximum age for public school attendance in charter schools. Admission, except in the case of a public random drawing, will not be determined by the place of residence of the pupil or his or her parent or legal guardian within the state, unless required by Education Code Section 51747.3.
Public Random Drawing
Applications will be accepted during a publicly advertised open enrollment period each year for enrollment in the following school year. Following the open enrollment period each year, applications will be counted to determine whether any grade level has received more applications than availability. In the event that this happens, the Charter School will hold a public random drawing (or “lottery”) to determine admission for the impacted grade level, with the exception of existing students, who are guaranteed admission in the following school year. Admission preferences in the case of a public random drawing will be given to the following students in the following order:
1. Siblings of enrolled Students
2. Students who reside in the county
3. All other students
Please note: Homeless and Foster youth are not subject to the lottery process in the same way. In the event that a program is full, they move to the top of the waiting list.
At the conclusion of the public random drawing, all students who were not granted admission due to capacity will be given the option to put their name on a wait list according to their draw in the lottery. This wait list will allow students the option of enrollment in the case of an opening during the current school year. In no circumstance will a wait list carry over to the following school year.
Public random drawing rules, deadlines, dates and times will be communicated in the application form and on the Charter School’s website. Public notice for the date and time of the public random drawing will also be posted once the application deadline has passed. The Charter School will also inform all applicants and interested parties of the rules to be followed during the public random drawing process via mail or email at least two weeks prior to the lottery date.
Northern United – Siskiyou Charter School will conduct the lottery in the spring for enrollment in fall of that year.
Enrollment Requirements
Northern United – Siskiyou Charter School requires that students who wish to attend the school to complete an application form. After admission, students will be required to submit an enrollment packet, which will include the following:
1. Student Enrollment form
2. Proof of Immunization
3. Home Language Survey
4. Completion of Emergency Medical Information form
5. Proof of minimum age requirements
6. Acceptable Use Policy/Google Apps for Education
7. Household Data Collection form
8. Parent Compact form
9. State-mandated Assessment Conference form
10. Oral Health Assessment form (TK-K-1st)
11. Physical Health Exam form (1st-4th)
12. Housing Survey
13. Field Trip Annual Release of Liability
Parent/Student Compacts
Before enrollment, parent/student compacts must be signed by all parents and students indicating they understand the charter school outcomes, philosophy, program, and requirements. Students’ continued enrollment will be dependent upon fulfilling the terms of that compact.
For more information, contact our records office at (707) 629-3634, or click the link below to submit an email request. Request Information
Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination
Northern United Charter Schools (“NUCS”) prohibits sex discrimination including sex-based harassment in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions regarding sex discrimination or harassment to the Title IX Coordinator. The contact information for the Title IX Coordinator, NUCS’s Title IX notice of nondiscrimination, and additional information regarding your rights under Title IX are available on the NUCS website at:
Important Notice from CDE: Charter schools are not allowed to discourage a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school because the pupil exhibits any characteristics such as students with disabilities, academically low-achieving, English learners, neglected or delinquent, homeless, socially economically disadvantaged, foster youth, or based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Charter schools are not allowed to request a pupil’s records before enrollment or encourage a child who is enrolled in a charter school to disenroll or transfer to another school. A parent, guardian, or pupil (18 years or older) may file a Charter School Complaint Form to the authorizing entity if they suspect the charter school is in violation of Education Code (EC)Section 47605(d)(4)