Independent Study
Independent study is an alternative instructional strategy that is meant to serve the student’s specific educational needs, interests, aptitudes, and abilities. Northern United – Siskiyou Charter School (NU-SCS) is a non-profit, non-classroom based independent study charter school. Non-classroom based instruction allows for distance learning, home study or home-based learning, as well as an option for participation in learning center enrichment classes. In collaboration with a student’s Independent Study Teacher (IST), a parent has the privilege and opportunity to create a master agreement that offers a personalized learning approach.
Choosing this form of education, a student must develop the ability to be self motivated and take responsibility for one’s choices in developing an overall educational plan or master agreement. It is important to understand that independent study requires self reflection and an increased educational responsibility on the student for achieving educational objectives, and upon the parent as the primary educator and student advocate.
A vital aspect of our success is the pro-active involvement of parents, and the independent study component reflects this with the parents predominantly instructing their students. These families meet with their credentialed teachers a minimum of once every 20 school days – often more frequently. These meetings consist of teacher, parent, and student who review the work completed during the previous month and make adjustments to the student’s learning plan as needed.

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