Mount Shasta Program
Northern United – Siskiyou Charter School in Mount Shasta serves Kindergarten through 12th grade. We provide an alternative to traditional, classroom based education by offering an independent study homeschool experience. The Student, Parent Educator and Teacher work together to craft a personalized learning plan. Parent Educators facilitate academics at home and are provided with assistance, as needed, to ensure student’s needs are being met. Families are connected to the Northern United homeschool community and gain valuable interaction through group events, enrichment classes at our center, community vendors and field trips.
Kindergarten – 5th grade
- One day per week project based enrichment classes at our center
- Field trips to local homestead Maagic Mountain Farm, ice skating, museums, Cascade Theater, hikes and more
- Regular meetings with your Teacher to support your homeschooling education plan
- Tutoring by appointment
- Winter Sports Ski & Snowboard Program, Track & Field, Cross Country
- 1 class with vendor Jefferson Center for the Arts per student, other vendors to be determined
- Access to Science equipment, curriculum, books and materials to check-out
- Hearing & Vision Screenings
Middle & High School
- One day per week rotating project based classes in Science, Art, Outdoor Education, PE, Field Trips
- Regular meetings with your Teacher to support your homeschooling education plan
- High School Academic Counselor to help navigate graduation requirements with the greatest possible personal and academic success
- Tutoring by appointment
- Dual Enrollment with College of the Siskiyous
- Driver’s Education
- Work Permit
- 1 class with vendor Jefferson Center for the Arts per student, other vendors to be determined
- Access to Science equipment, curriculum, books and materials to check-out
- Hearing & Vision Screenings
- Middle School Track & Field, Cross Country Team
- Ski Club, Ice Skating Days, field trips
- Optional access to school psychologist, behavioral/mental health counselor
Phone: 530-926-3425

Elementary Program in Yreka
Our learning center located in Yreka, in northern Siskiyou County, serves students in kindergarten through 12th grades with a student-centered program focused on discovery and learning through individualized and small-group instruction. Core and elective classes with independent study are combined to provide students with instruction from credentialed teachers as well as an opportunity to work independently on a challenging, integrative, and exploratory curriculum designed specifically for the individual student.
Course offerings for middle and high school students include English/Language Arts, Math, Art, Computer Skills, American Sign Language, Career Exploration, Test Prep, Spanish, AVID, and Driver’s Education. Elementary students can participate in Enrichment class, American Sign Language, and Computer Skills. Tutoring is available for students who can benefit from the extra help. A full-time resource specialist is on-site to provide special education.
Phone (530) 842-4509, ext. 210

High School Program in Yreka

Our learning center located in Yreka, in northern Siskiyou County, serves students in kindergarten through 12th grades with a student-centered program focused on discovery and learning through individualized and small-group instruction. Core and elective classes with independent study are combined to provide students with instruction from credentialed teachers as well as an opportunity to work independently on a challenging, integrative, and exploratory curriculum designed specifically for the individual student.
Course offerings for middle and high school students include English/Language Arts, Math, Art, Computer Skills, American Sign Language, Career Exploration, Test Prep, Spanish, AVID, and Driver’s Education. Elementary students can participate in Enrichment class, American Sign Language, and Computer Skills. Tutoring is available for students who can benefit from the extra help. A full-time resource specialist is on-site to provide special education.
Phone (530) 842-4509, ext. 210